Friday, January 13, 2012


I chose to take the course Facing History and Ourselves because I knew little about the Holocaust, but wanted to learn more. I heard this course was life changing and everybody recommended taking it. At first I didn’t know how a course could be “life changing,” but by the end of this class I couldn’t agree more. I had Mr. Gallagher as a sophomore and he is still my favorite teacher at Westborough High School. His stories, the films he shows us, and the discussions we have in that class teach me not only about history, but also about life lessons. I think that if any other teacher taught this course it would not be the same because Mr. Gallagher relates events that happened in history to events that could happen to me today.
I always thought that I was just an average student that was just going through the motions of high school. After taking this course I now feel like I have the ability to make a difference in this world and this course taught me so much about myself. I learned that I want to be a person who stands up for what I believe in. I want to be passionate and have strong beliefs and be willing to not only stand up for myself, but for others. I love to help people and I love the feeling of knowing that I am doing the right thing. That is why I have been doing Special Olympics for about 5 years now. This is an organization for special needs children in which volunteers play sports with them every Saturday. They appreciate everything and make me realize how great I have it, and to never take even the smallest things for granite. I am now a senior and I do not know where I am attending college next year, but I am going! I am a hard worker, and I try to be eh nicest I possible can to people. I care about the environment and I hope to one-day make a difference in this world. 

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